Looking Straight Ahead

I’m in a weird spot in life right now. I think lots of people find themselves in this position from time to time. The details might change, but the feeling is pretty universally applicable. Life is out of control. Stuff is happening that you would like to change. Things don’t seem to make a lot of sense. You feel?

For me it’s been a combination of a lot of things that have gotten me here. I’ve lost some people very close to me due to illness. I lost my job this year. I watched as some of my closest friends went through huge pain in their life. I battled depression for a while. My wife struggled with the same things. My father had a brush with death that was too close for comfort. BLAH BLAH BLAH right?

The details are never what cause us the most pain. The reality of how little we can effect those details are what really get me. It’s stuff like this that makes me see how little control I really have in life. I read something that really stood out to me this morning:

25 Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you.
26 Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure. 
27 Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your foot away from evil. 
Proverbs 4:25-26

Sometimes the best thing to do in life is keep moving. Look straight ahead. Stop worrying about everything that is beyond my control. I am starting to understand that focusing on what I need to do is the best way to work through all this weight in my life. So frequently I start swerving to the right or to the left by trying super hard to make everything work right or by just giving up. The message here is moderation. It’s consistency. It’s life. The beauty of this proverb is that if we keep moving and stop worrying about all the things we CAN”T do, we free ourselves up to start developing the things in our lives that will make us better people. It doesn’t make the problems disappear, but it gives us a unique opportunity to grow during a stage in life that feels like its trying to crush us.

Is it possible that what you and I need the most is focus? Someone that is going to read this needs to hear that they need to be looking directly forward. Focus on your stuff and your ways will be sure. Don’t wander into places you shouldn’t be. Don’t give in to anxiety and worry. Remember the details are never the problem. Our problems are seldom ever the actual problem. Often our problems are the start of God working something out in our lives. Painful? Yes. Worth it? I suppose that is your call. For me, all I can say is that I’m trying to trust that God has a plan and it’s better than any plan I could have made so I’m choosing just to roll with it.


So we would like to know:

Have you ever been in a situation that totally didn’t make sense at the time, but worked itself out in the end? Are you in the middle of something weird now? Let us know about it in the comments below. We would love the opportunity to pray with you about what is going on in your life!

5 thoughts on “Looking Straight Ahead

    • It’s good to hear that I’m not the only one that has been in this spot! Thanks for the insight and encouragement Nathan. I’ll check out that post. Thanks so much for the comment. – Josh


  1. Love it! Seems it’s just what I needed to hear today! Although yesterday would have been perfect even tho I might have not absorbed it as easily. I have been sooo ‘left and right’ with life as of late and have chose to quit smoking right in the middle of the chaos! Sheesh! I have focused on all the wrong stuff and Proverbs 4 hit the spot like a fresh cup of coffee in the morning. I have been a crab apple for the last few days and upon reading today I burst out in tears and laughter both of which I needed desperately, for that thank you and thank you. It also brings fond memories of a couple from Faith Baptist of Mason City, Iowa. I worked for these folks and God used them extensively in my transformation from Lost to Saved I would see them all over town and would honk and wave and do everything but dance on the hood of my car trying to get their attention just to wave at them in passing and they were like cardboard posters always looking dead ahead. I would ALWAYS get such a chuckle out of looking foolish at this carnival like rant and would think of those exact verses. Anyway long story short this entry had hit ALL the right notes in my life currently, trying too hard,anxiety, giving up ect ect but focus and keep moving FORWARD and for crying out loud quit trying to go it alone!!! Ok ill shut up now and my sons asleep so I’m going to do something that I CAN do! Thanks and God can you come on down to garage with me I’m positive I’ll need your help;)


    • Brother, I love your comment man! So cool to see someone being honest about what life feels like and dang it if your rant wasn’t as refreshing as, how did you say it? “A fresh cup of coffee in the morning!” Thanks for reading the blog, keep hanging in there, and keep looking straight ahead. – Josh


  2. josh, I love this it is how I have felt so in my past, and presently and more than likely in the future. I remember a preacher who once challenged us, (the congregation) to seek the face of Jesus in all you do and realize that whatever caught your attention or crossed between you and his face was placed there for you to speak out to, or to share what Jesus has done for you. be aware of what occurs and be ready. He will Bless you.


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