The Urban Pioneer(s)

We just launched a new project on called “The Urban Pioneer”. Tricia and I have always understood that the path from where we started to where we want to end up was one littered with obstacles and covered in hard work. Somehow that is not in the least off putting to either of us. We both grew up with parents who knew how to “Grind”. How to just get stuff done and make things work. My mom started her own boutique shop when I was young, my father has been making and selling hand crafted (insert at least a dozen items here) since I can remember, and I think much of that entrepreneurial/pioneer spirit lives in us.

When we got our first home, we planted a small garden. Just a few vegetables we wanted to see if we could grow. That turned into more plants, a raised bed made out of cardboard and sticks, and now we have 2 garden plots and 3 raised bed planters. The more we learn, the more we plant. However, it’s not just about food. It’s an attitude that drives us to stop paying other people to do work and start doing things for ourselves. When our car radiator sprung a leak, we googled how to fix it and then fixed it. I’m not a mechanic, but I know how to google things. I am also not a farmer but I now know how to grow food to feed my family. 

We realized that when we are 50 and living on 20 acres in the mountains with goats, chickens, and a few cows, our kids and grand kids will have no idea how that came to be unless we tell them. How 2 kids living in small Midwestern towns managed to achieve their dream. Well, insert this YouTube channel. This is a living documentary of how we got to 50 years old. How our dream came to be realized. With hard work and a can-do attitude, we know where we are going to end up and we want to  be able to show how it was done. Welcome to the next 20 years of being Urban Pioneers!

If you have a moment, please like the video and subscribe to the channel. Also, leave us a comment down below on anything you wish YOU would have documented when it happened to you.

The Urban Pioneer,, TheUPioneer, The Urban Pioneer The Urban Pioneer The Urban Pioneer


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