Travels thus far

So we’ve done quite a bit of traveling and adventuring in the first two years of our marriage which is part of the reason we wanted to start a blog to start chronicling them. So here’s what we’ve been up to.

Erickson honeymoonMexico – Hello all inclusive resort for our honeymoon. Best decision ever.

– Colorado – My sister lives outside of Denver so we visited her the first spring we were married and drove all over, stopping along the side of the road to climb some mountains.

– Hawaii – We were dirt poor, but Josh’s brother was stationed there and it was the last year his family would be there, so we saved our pennies and had a fabulous time in Hawaii.

– Elk Trail – We found this really cool back packing trail in southern Kansas that makes you forget you’re in Kansas.

Ericksons at Niagara FallsNiagara Falls – Thanks to the Army for a free weekend at Niagara Falls. (Even though we had to endure a torturous conference) We even got to walk to Canada!

– Lindsborg – Camping at Lake Kanopolis and spending the day in the cute town of Lindsborg. Favorite part – discovering Black Smith Roastery. Mind=blown

Ericksons in Puerto RicoPuerto Rico – This was a spontaneous trip planned in less than two weeks for our 2nd anniversary.

– South Dakota Road Trip – This was a result of us realizing we hadn’t taken a road trip in a while and had Memorial weekend free so it included visiting the states of Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming, Minnesota, Iowa, and Kansas.

Road trip

Colorado mountain hiking/backing adventure – We climbed the mountain Arapaho South Peak – 13,400′. epic. Read more here.

Next for the Erickson – not sure yet, probably a weekend camping trip with our eyes set on a bigger adventure next year!

Meet Team Erickson


We’re Josh & Tricia and we’re Team Erickson!

We got married in 2011 and love living life together so we started a blog to record our adventures, thoughts, and life.

We have a silly cat named Gus. (don’t be deceived by the cuteness) Although, we’re pretty silly ourselves.Gus EricksonTeam Erickson


We also have 2 dogs, Titan and Valkyrie. They are a couple of hooligans. (Val is the white one, Titan the goofy brown one, Tricia is the pretty lady!) (Please observe the image on the right. Hooliganry.)


Top of Mt. Scott

Top of Mt. Scott

We met in college, got engaged after four months of dating, and have had the best years of our lives since we got married!

Erickson GraduationErickson wedding

We reside in Kansas, but rarely stay put for more than a few months at a time.

Ericksons exploits in KansasNiagara Falls

Although we’re a team, we’re made up of two individual people. So here’s some more on each of us.


TriciaI grew up in Kansas, never thinking I would come back after college. But God has a funny way of humbling me, so here I am! I love writing which is one of the main reasons we started this blog. Writing is very therapeutic for me and I’ve really missed it since my newspaper days in college.

My interests change fairly frequently, but one that persist is my love of traveling. I never quite feel right unless I’m planning my next adventure. I recently fell in love with reading fiction and Harry Potter is my hero (you can’t judge if you haven’t read the books). A few “every now and then” hobbies include couponing, sewing, cake decorating, and folding laundry (like I said, every now and then).  I love a good jam out session in the car with the radio and I secretly wish I could be a rock star that could blow your mind with a epic electric guitar solo. I really hate running, bananas, and stubbing my toe.  I do crossfit and try to live healthy and I’ll blog about that often as it has been huge in my life the last year.

I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. But I do know that I’m here for a purpose. Right now, that purpose is to learn how to love God and love people, which most days I suck at. One of the most difficult and rewarding things in my life is being a part of Audacity Church which is striving to give the city of Wichita a brighter future.

Oh, and I couldn’t tell a joke if my life depended on it. Ask my husband, but I think I’m pretty funny.




I grew up in Missouri. Most people know it as “God’s Country”. I grew up with a general disdain for the state of Kansas. Fast forward 25 years and I live here, am married to a BEAUTIFUL (I always have to say that word when I spell it. B.E.A.UTIFUL) Kansas girl, and love my life here! Crazy how life works.

I was in the military for about 10 years. Joined at just 17 years old. Loved it but was ready for a change. I got to travel a lot during that time. Was deployed in Iraq, Kuwait, Ethiopia, and Djibouti. I have lots of fun stories from those days. I’m looking forward to getting super old and telling “War” stories. It’s gonna be awesome.

Here is a list of stuff I really like: My Wife, Crossfit, Hiking, Camping, my dogs Titan and Valkyrie, Duck Hunting, Gardening, Soccer, and Competitive Rochambeau.

I currently work for an amazing company  where I manage a staff of extremely talented people. I get to travel frequently and experience luxurious experiences that I never dreamed existed when I was growing up in an apartment with no heat in half of it. Having a career with great perks is a huge blessing.

Oh, and Tricia seriously cannot tell a joke. She is SO BAD at it. She keeps getting all bogged down with details and you know, facts. She is really funny though. Just not always when she is trying to be. It’s one of my favorite things about her.

All of the views and opinions on this blog belong solely Josh & Tricia.  (have to cover the bases here).